Il 28 gennaio 2021 alle ore 18 si è svolto un webinar in lingua inglese del ciclo “Questioni di Civiltà”, organizzato da “La Civiltà Cattolica” e “Georgetown University” – e co-sponsorizzato dal “Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs”, da “Alumni. Club of Italy” e dal “Georgetown Humanities Initiative” – sul tema Dante: Searcher and Discoverer.
The seven hundredth anniversary of Dante (1321-2021) is a fresh opportunity for a dialogue on both his philosophical and theological reflection and his keen observation of humanity. The supreme poet (Sommo Poeta) is capable of touching men and women of every time, and—as Pope Francis observes—“through his immortal works still has much to say and offer to those who desire to travel the way to true knowledge, to the authentic discovery of self, of the world, of life’s profound and transcendent meaning.”
Con la partecipazione di:
- Mary Jo Bang – Washington University, St. Louis.
- Francesco Ciabattoni – Georgetown University, Washington, D. C.
- Vittorio Montemaggi – King’s College, University of London.
Debora Tonelli – Georgetown Representative in Rome.
Paul Elie – Georgetown University.